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B.S. Botany, University of California Davis 1993
Continuing Education
Wetland Delineation Training, Wetland Training Institute 1996
Federal Wetland Review, Wetland Training Institute 2015
Hydric Soils Refresher, Wetland Training Institute 2022.
Biological Site Assessments 

6 Willow Ave, Stinson Beach, CA. 

September 2023-Current.  Lead Biologist - Wetland Scientist.

Julia prepared a BSA for 6 Willow Avenue following the guidelines specified by the County of Marin including a biological constraints map. Habitats were characterized, sensitive biological resources identified, and the potential for special-status species was evaluated in a text discussion with CNDDB results. Environmentally sensitive habitat areas (ESHA’s) on site were addressed through an enhanced wetlands and waters discussion. Preparation of a biological constraints map was prepared using topography, aerial map, and site plans for the project.

Marin County Biological Site Assessments Include:

  • 3445 State Route 1, Stinson Beach

  • 1015 Olema Bolinas Road, Bolinas

  • 105 Kale Road, Bolinas

  • 31 Wharf Road, Bolinas

  • 440 Birch Road, Bolinas

  • 3755 State Route 1, Stinson Beach

  • Tachera Ranch, Bolinas 

  • 35 Horseshoe Hill Road, Bolinas

  • 10 Willow Avenue, Stinson Beach

  • 5953 Shoreline Road, Bolinas

  • 52 Crecente Avenue, Bolinas


440 Birch Avenue, Bolinas, CA. 

August 2020-2021.  Lead Wetland Scientist.

Julia conducted a wetland delineation of the residential parcel and prepared a jurisdictional delineation report for submittal to Marin County and the California Coastal Commission (CCC) using both the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers three-parameter wetland criteria and the CCC one-parameter wetland criteria. Julia prepared data sheets, maps and supporting information to permit adjacent project development.

Rough and Ready Island Delineation Project, Port of Stockton, Stockton, CA. 

August 2014-Current.  Lead Wetland Scientist.

Julia led an island wide wetland delineation for Rough and Ready Island for the Port of Stockton over a six-year period which covered approximately 4,200 acres.  She conducted field work, prepared soils and hydrology data, summarized vegetative communities, and refined maps for submittal to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Wetland location data was generated to provide planners at the Port of Stockton with information to assist in long term land use decision making.  Julia remains on call for wetland delineation services as needed for this site.


Iron Horse Parkway Pedestrian Overcrossing Project, Dublin, CA

January 2018-December 2019.  Wetland Scientist. Wetland Delineation, Regulatory Permitting, Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration.

The Iron Horse Parkway project will facilitate pedestrian and bicycle crossing of Dublin Boulevard via a raised overcrossing structure, bypassing vehicular traffic at the junction of Dublin Boulevard and Scarlett Drive.  Julia conducted wetland delineation field work and prepared reports for submittal to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the project.  She will carry the project forward with the preparation of 404 and 401 permit applications with the Corps and RWQCB.  Julia prepared the biology section of the initial study for the site.  Julia will lead botanical surveys to identify State and Federally listed special-status plants and burrowing owl and prepare biological resources sections of the CEQA document for this infrastructure improvement project.

Bart to Livermore Extension Project, Livermore, CA. 

May 2013-August 2013.  Lead Wetland Scientist and Botanist.

Julia conducted wetland delineation field work and prepared reports for submittal to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for five project sites varying in size from 5 to 140 acres along the Bart to Livermore Extension Project including portions of Arroyo Las Positas, Altamont Creek, and seasonal and alkali wetlands.  Julia led botanical surveys to identify State and Federally listed special-status plants, mapped populations identified using GPS, and summarized findings in botanical reports for submittal to regulatory agencies.


San Onofre-Los Pulgas Double Tracking Project - Habitat Mapping, Wetland Delineation and Regulatory Permit Applications, Oceanside, CA.  

September 2011-December 2011.  Lead Wetland Scientist.

Julia directed field work for a six mile stretch of rail line along San Onofre State Beach to gather data for the mapping of all habitats along the project right-of-way and directed the preparation of a wetland delineation report to be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps).  The project consists of the widening of the existing rail corridor to accommodate two rail lines - a double track - where a single track exists.  Julia worked with GIS staff to map vegetation along the rail line, identifying habitats that could support special-status plants and animals.  Julia worked with engineers in the early phases of project design, identifying highly sensitive wetland resources to be avoided in the track widening process.  Julia gathered, interpreted, and analyzed project impacts in relationship to waters and wetlands and prepared Corps 404 Individual Permit and Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) 401 Permits.


I-405 HOV Lane Project - Habitat Mapping, Wetland Delineation and Regulatory Permit Applications, West Los Angeles, CA. 

July 2011-September 2011.  Lead Wetland Scientist.

Julia directed field work on a 10-mile stretch of I-405 to gather data for the preparation of a Corps wetland delineation.  The project consists of the widening the I-405 for the installation of a high occupancy vehicle lane over Sepulveda Pass.  Julia worked with GIS staff to map wetlands and waters of the U.S. along the project alignment, prepared a wetland delineation report, and the associated Corps 404 Nationwide Permit, CDFW SAA, and RWQCB 401 Permits for submittal to regional agencies.  Julia coordinated wetland verification with each of the regulatory agencies.


Plant Survey

Glen Loma Ranch Rare Plant Surveys, Gilroy, CA

March-September 2019

Julia conducted presence/absence rare plant surveys within the serpentine habitats of the Glen Loma Ranch Project onsite preserve.  

City of Brisbane Specific Plan Rare Plant Survey, Brisbane, CA

February-July 2019.  Lead Botanist

Conducting four surveys during the growing season of 2019, Julia inventoried the vascular plant species occurring within the City of Brisbane Specific Plan Area including Ice House Hill, the lands within the former Union Pacific rail yard, and the Brisbane Lagoon salt marsh habitats.  Extant populations of special-status species were observed, mapped, and recorded in regulatory data bases.  Julia used this vegetative data to update text within the setting of the biology section of the Specific Plan EIR and revise and apply mitigation measures as prescribed by the Brisbane General Plan EIR.  

San Mateo County Resource Conservation District - Pilarcitos Creek Rural Roads Improvement Project, San Mateo, CA.

May 2015.  Lead Botanist

Julia conducted a special-status species survey for the road improvement project within the San Mateo County Conservation District lands within riparian, wetland, serpentine grassland, non-native annual grassland and oak woodland habitats to determine the location of rare native plant species.


San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Habitat Reserve Program Plant Survey (SFPUC HRP), San Mateo County, CA.  

April 2014-May 2014.  Lead Botanist.  

To provide SFPUC planners with critical information in planning future projects in the Crystal Springs watershed, Julia conducted plant inventory surveys along the Sawyer Trail at Crystal Springs Reservoir and at discrete locations north and south of the reservoir.  Surveys were conducted within serpentine grassland, seasonal wetland, coast oak woodland, and invasive woodland with the purpose of providing a current inventory of all vascular plants and to identify and map the location of extant special-status species populations.   


CalAmerican Coastal Waters Project, Marina, CA.  

July 2012-September 2012. June-July 2015. Lead Botanist.

Julia led special-status plant surveys of 500+ acres of coastal dune habitat associated with the Marina Cemex lands to the north of Marina State Beach using GPS to map State and Federally listed species.  Julia coordinated the production of special-status species maps for both plants and animals to be used in the planning process to assist in the placement of project infrastructure by the CalAmerican.  Constraints were identified within the project area and as a result the avoidance of special-status species was accomplished.


Brigantino Housing Project, Annual Riparian Restoration Monitoring, Hollister, CA.

April 2017, 2018, 2019

Julia conducts annual vegetation monitoring at the Bringantino housing development where mitigation consists of creek bank restoration to enhance the intermittent drainage running through the site.  Julia monitors planted riparian vegetation for health, growth, and mortality; and she identifies mechanical problems with irrigation or any other issues that could reduce the success of the site.  She also prepares reports documenting the conditions of the restoration site for regulatory agencies.

Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (MPWSP), Marina, CA.

December 2014-March 2015.  Mitigation Monitor. 

The MPWSP includes the drilling of three monitoring wells and one slant well for the first phase of the CalAmerican Desalination Plant Project.  The drilling of monitoring and slant wells within the Marina Cemex plant operations facility will allow for detailed water quality analysis. Julia performed daily surveys of the project area during construction of the monitoring and test wells to ensure mitigation measures were followed protecting special-status plants and animals.  Julia coordinated with individual contractors in the field daily to maintain established construction boundaries and conditions as specified by regulatory agencies to project special-status species.  Julia identified potential issues in the field and proactively worked with contractors to avoid impacts.


Stanford University Steelhead Habitat Enhancement Program, Palo Alto, CA. 

November 2012-May 2013.  Lead Botanist.

Julia coordinated the production of a series of regulatory agency mitigation monitoring reports for post-construction conditions, riparian survivorship monitoring, project effectiveness, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA) compliance. Julia analyzed field data to provide survival results for riparian mitigation sites, and prepared graphics, photography, and tables for report inclusion. Julia conducted written peer review evaluations for sub consultant report material, consolidated data from Stanford sources, and prepared text for mitigation monitoring reports to fulfill agency requirements.


Sempervirens Fund Plot Study, Santa Cruz Mountains, CA. 

June 2012-September 2012.  Lead Botanist. 

Julia led plot sampling for redwood forest habitat evaluation with the purpose of documenting understory vegetation for the establishment of baseline conditions. Julia conducted botanical surveys in secondary redwood forest documenting species present and percent cover.  The project involved identification of micro habitat classifications for mapping purposes to be used in comparison to future conditions after prescriptive timber thinning to promote “old growth” conditions.  Through ground evaluation of vegetation, Julia created habitat maps and corresponding text describing the vegetation in the study area which could be referred to in future habitat studies.




Anchor QEA | 2020 – 2024

  • Prepared CEQA documents including initial study, mitigated negative declaration, environmental impact reports for projects across northern California.

  • Prepared Biological Site Assessments for Huttopia Corporation.

  • Conducted wetlands delineation and impacts assessment for the Port of Stockton.

  • Coordinated with engineering and design team for wetland impacts and restoration for the India Basin Shorline Park, San Francisco, CA.

JB Botany and Wetland Science | 2013 – 2024

  • Prepared Biological Site Assessments for County Permitting processes in Marin and Sonoma Counties.

  • Conducted wetland delineation field work using U.S. Army Corps of Engineers parameters and prepared reports for regulatory agency submittal.

  • Led presence/absence surveys for endangered plant species and prepared master list of plant species observed.


ESA | 2011-2014

  • Collaborated with botanical teams in special-status plant surveys and prepared reports documenting surveys, habitats, and comprehensive plant lists.

  • Evaluated conditions at restoration sites and prepared detailed monitoring reports to record the success of wetland and riparian mitigation sites.

  • Performed wetland delineations and produced reports for submittal to regulatory agencies.


HNTB Corporation | 2009-2011

  • Led wetland delineation field work, directing teams in data collection. Prepared wetland delineation and permit documents for submittal to regulatory agencies.

  • Conducted presence-absence surveys for special-status plants and created documents characterizing habitats and survey results using regulatory agency standards.


Olberding Environmental | 1997-2009

  • Prepared wetland delineation reports and accompanying permitting documents for submittal to regulatory agencies.

  • Created planting plans for wetland and riparian mitigation and the guidelines for mitigation and monitoring reports for annual monitoring to meet regulatory agency specifications.


EIP Associates | 1994-1997

  • Performed construction monitoring for special-status plants and animals.

  • Surveyed habitats for special-status plants and animals and prepared reports documenting results.


SRWWTP Bufferlands | 1993-1994

  • Collected, pressed, and mounted botanical specimens for inclusion in Bufferlands herbarium.

  • Restored riparian habitat through planting, maintenance, and monitoring of restoration stock.

  • Gathered wetland data for the evaluation of vegetation cover to aid in management strategies in wetland habitats.










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